I just get -10 points of reputation flagged user was removed but there is no extra information about this event.
That's almost as much as I lost ;)
My reputation showed -440!
When answers and comments of the user who left us are still here for good reason since they were pretty good, helpful and showed a lot of enthusiasm, why are his votes treated differently?
I question the sanity of this tretment and consider this a punch in the face of all contributors that actively participated in this site and spent their time to provide substantial answers.
Let's face it: Lately, most of the voting on answers wasn't done by the newcomers dumping endless cascades of do-my-homework questions that show an abysmal lack of understanding, paired with attitude but by those regulars that actively tried to turn this site to something better (that is seemingly was in the beginning).
The silent withdrawal of reputation for good answers makes me question whether this site does deserve good answers at all when it's apparently much easier to gain reputation for questions that exhibit laziness paired with dumbness and get upvoted by the the legion of dumb and lazy flying by.
Did I mention that I am angry? I am!
EDIT: Having blown off steam here some 5 hrs ago, I asked a related question concerning the reinstallment of the up- and downvotes on Meta.SO (if you want something done - DO IT!) and talked to some friendly fellows there. They mentioned that SE staff keeps an eye on the metas, including this one.
I am not willing to take back what I wrote about quality above, but I hope that SE staff will find a solution that satisfies all the good people on Chemistry.SE who devote their time and energy to provide scientifically correct and understandable answers here.