
I have the following table. I'd like to use the hyperlinked dates which follow the table inside the table. Is this possible?

$$\begin{array}{|c|c|l|}\hline Year(s) & page & value \\ \hline 1969 & 50(footnote) & 6.022\,52(7)\times 10^{23}\\ \hline 1973 & 25 (17.3) & 6.022\,176(97) \times 10^{23} \\ \hline 1986 & 6 & 6.022\,136\,7(36) \times 10^{23}\\ \hline 1998 & 6 & 6.022\,141\,99(47)\times 10^{23}\\ \hline 2002 & 6 & 6.022\,141\,5(10)\times 10^{23} \\ \hline 2006 & 7 & 6.022\,141\,79(30)\times 10^{23} \\ \hline 2010 & 5 & 6.022\,141\,29(27) \times10^{23} \\ \hline 2014 & 5 & 6.022\,140\,857(74)\times 10^{23} \\ \hline 2018 & 5 & 6.022\,140\,76\mathrm{(exact)}\times10^{23} \\ \hline \end{array}$$

1969 link - error calculated by multiplying 11 ppm times value

1973 link

1986 link

2002 link

2006 link

2010 link

2014 link

2018 Link - exact by new definition of constant


1 Answer 1


Yes, but you have to use the brand New Feature: Table Support, i.e. use Markdown tables instead of LaTeX. For example:

| [1969](https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/pdf/1969RMP.pdf#page=50) | 6.022 52(7) &times; 10<sup>23</sup> |
| [1973](https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/pdf/1973JPCRD.pdf#page=25) | $6.022\, 176(97) \times 10^{23}$ |


Year Value
1969 6.022 52(7) × 1023
1973 $6.022\, 176(97) \times 10^{23}$

You can see the table supports MathJax as well, if you need it.


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