One of The 7 Essential Meta Questions of Every Beta.
How do we promote our site? How to reach out to the experts and other potential users?
At this stage in the site's development, we're not talking about big events or promotional material, but we need to get the word out that this site exists. I think we now have clearly enough content that new users can get a feel of the site's aim, scope and quality. The primary mean for that is of course to share the news in our own communities, both on-line and in real life… If you are a regular on a chemistry-related blog or forum (or if you own a blog), make an announcement. Publish a few lines in your college/university journal or bulleting board, tell a story about it at a coffee break in your workplace, discuss it with your office and lab mates. It may seem insignificant, but word-of-mouth is the best promotion tool we have, and it starts with us!
Of course, the goal of this friendly reminder is also to open a discussion on the topic of site promotion. So, feel free to discuss any ideas you have towards promoting the site in this question...
@RichardTerett has created a high-res version of the jelly benzene sandwich if anyone needs it. Note that it's not mandatory to use that in your designs. If you have any other such awesome images, feel free to use them :)