Before you downvote, I've examined the Help section thoroughly and it says that meta is for the following:
- Chemistry Stack Exchange users to communicate with each other about Chemistry Stack Exchange
I'm allowed to communicate with you about Chem:SE and you are undoubtedly apart of that.
Lets face it. Chem:SE has had its fair share of moments from its infamous drama to its shining moments. We graduated. We've made it. Its been quite a journey (if I may say so without sounding overdramatic) but it certainly has been quite... the... journey... .
I'm certain I'll be missing some people who well deserve to be mentioned here but let us give credit to some of the following people who have been here from nearly the beginnings.
Jonsca - Our fearless leader who has done more for this community than probably gets credit for. You set a great example for what a moderator should be. And you have been instrumental in getting us to where we are today as a community.
ManishEarth - You've been around for a very long time as well sacrificing a lot of your time for this site.
The chemistry giants who seem to be more machine than man... ron, Klaus Warzecha, Ben Norris, F'x, Philip, Greg E. - I stand in awe to your diverse knowledge of chemistry and how you are seemingly able to offer such incredible knowledge to a wide array of questions. I just cannot even begin to comprehend how you manage to know so much about Chemistry.
Dissenter - You always seem to ask really good questions... and a LOT of them. I've always enjoyed your posts on Chem:SE as well as your discussions in chat. I hope you come visit us again someday. You brought a lot of insight to our community.
tschoppi - Your enthusiasm really is quite a lesson we can all take from you. The chatroom always benefits from you chiming in every once in a while.
Geoff Hutchison - Avogadro2??? Maybe?! SOON!?! #GetHyped2016
And finally...
Martin - The German who lives in Japan who seriously contributes so much to this community. There is hardly a question you'll find he hasn't edited, or a day that goes by that he hasn't checked into chat. Martin has devoted so much of his time to this community its unbelievable. Always welcoming... always level headed... Martin is a role-model for most of us.
Thanks guys. Thank you so much for everything you've brought to the table. I might be the only one gushing right now but I'm sure I speak for others when I say wholeheartedly...
Leave your appreciation below. Lets keep this post alive for at least a little while before we close it as being off-topic (please). :)