In one of the answers to a question of mine the user who wrote the answer referenced a book that isn't accessible for free in the link he provided. I spend several days searching for ways to get to this book and I managed to find 2 of them. I decided to share this information in the comments section to his answer but the problem is I'm not very sure is posting such information very legal in the US-the country where the SE servers are located?
I couldn't find the book available for free on a "safe" (e.g. legal in any country) server, so I looked for alternative ways to get it and I found them in a torrent tracker. I have no problems using file sharing in my own country (which isn't in the West) so I can get quite a few books in that way but, then, when I thought of it in the perspective of someone living in a country where this can be the grounds for a lawsuit I though I should mention the risks, so, I wrote a second comment after the first warning people to think twice before using my links. I wonder did I do the right thing or may be I shouldn't have mentioned these links in the first place? What is the policy of SE on that matter?
I have read of cases where students have been expelled from campuses for file sharing and poor people getting sued for millions of dollars by the MPAA in the states but I have never been there, so, I really have no idea how bad is the situation there on file sharing and did I do something wrong here? If this was in my country I would have had no problems whatsoever posting that link but I don't know how are things on file sharing internationally and what harm can it bring to someone who just clicks on the link if his/hers computer is in some educational institution and is monitored by the local authorities. In my country we use trackers often and share many books and other materials with each other and I know many other people in poorer countries do it but I want to know what you on Chemistry SE think about posting links to such sources and file sharing of materials related to chemistry? Are there any rules for it?