Since I was involved in 3/4 of the posts you mention, and the fact that I've had all-time 8th highest, 1250 edits in just two months (undoubtedly referring to "Are questions being excessively edited?"), I feel compelled to answer this meta post.
But first things first. I crossed 2k rep when I only had made 200 edits. The next 1000 edits came after having crossed 2k, so there is clearly no rep gain factor involved in whatever edits I make.
Can aluminium be split into Al 3+ and OH-?
It doesn't make sense to talk about this today. It was last edited in May'16, more than two years back. Why bring this up now? Unless I'm missing something, your context is "Are questions being excessively edited?" => present tense.
One person edits a question to add a homework tag (which edit is reviewed and approved by a couple people), then another person edits it again to remove the homework tag:
The homework tag is actively being removed from old posts. There was a lot of meta discussion about it. I am sure you've already read it, but still, here is one. So, I am not sure what you're trying to say here. It has to be removed, and I did remove it. What's the problem here?
IUPAC name of trisubstituted benzene ring
If you'll read the revision history, you'll find the suggested edit had removed the homework tag, which was the primary objective. I only fixed the unnecessary capitalization and boldening of IUPAC names, which I deem did not add any value here. This happens all the time. Suggestors add MathJax to bare numbers while doing other main things. I "Improve edit" and then remove the dollar signs. Simple.
Are non-integer oxidation states possible?
Yep. I edited it to fix only the capitals. Please read here.
With all that said, also note that I've been trying to follow rules everywhere possible. You can tell this from the help I often fervently sought on the Table. You can tell this from the several meta posts I made about standard ways to do different things (I also tried to clean up some tags, different story). I don't edit posts that I am unsure about; you can tell this from my several Spring Cleaning messages. I have tried to stick to existing guidelines as much as possible, and have asked for them to be created when I didn't find any.
That said, however, I admit I have been on a rampant voyage against the homework tag. You did not name me, so I guess your post refers to a broader set of people. But still, if you have any problem with my editing style, just ping me in chat. I admit I have made a few mistakes, but I abandoned them as soon as anyone pointed them to me. Case in point: converting curly quotes to straight quotes, Loong told me not to do so immediately after my first such edit. I had a discussion with him, and then gave the habit up. No further incidence since then.
So, I'm sure few of my editing styles might not be deemed valid by everyone else, and as such, I'm willing to take constructive feedback.
PS: if your primary concern is the rate at which posts are being edited, I've no problem in slowing down. I'm not getting any rep for whatever edits I make. I only do these in hope of improving the content quality.
I'm hoping to receive constructive feedback. Thank you!