I regret to have to inform you that Stack Exchange (SE) has removed my moderator status today.
I had been an elected moderator on Chemistry for four years and a pro tempore moderator on another site for more than five years based on the old moderator agreement without any problems. Now SE thinks that’s not enough, and they want more. Two weeks ago, they have cancelled the old moderator agreement.
All moderators have been asked to accept a new moderator “agreement”. However, there are multiple problems with this new version, which make it unacceptable for me to sign it.
Some other moderators have told me that they don’t know why SE wants a new so-called agreement and that they haven’t read it. They have just clicked it since one is not offered a choice, and such things are not legally binding anyway. I, however, take my public statements a bit more seriously even if they carry no meaning.
Since I have not signed the so-called agreement, SE has now removed my moderator status.