Questions tagged [feature-request]

You have an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.

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4 votes
2 answers

The banner warning against Artificial Intelligence generated answers

Sites can now request to enable a banner to warn about their policy on AI-generated content This is a policy introduction on the Meta of all Metas, and given how ChemSE has an anti-AI (as in, use AI ...
2 votes
2 answers

Math/Chem formatting when asking a question

I see that many questions are poorly received when the formatting is awful (pKa, OH-, etc.). I agree this is terrible, so I came up with the following idea that I would like to share. More often that ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Reputation awards for edits - aren't they disproportionate?

I have had a few qualms about the awarding of reputation after editing. Let me state 2 of my cases: Inductive effect on stability of free radical and revision link: In this question I had made a very ...
0 votes
1 answer

Improvements for the question-asking form in ChemSE

As a new user myself (just 22 days old), I feel as if the downvoting policy needs a major rejig. I agree to the fact that downvotes must be anonymous - as if the person who is downvoting is known, ...
11 votes
1 answer

Addition of the cite link revisited

Triggered by a question on about a possibly AI generated publication under review (link), and drawing inspiration from, I became curious if their ...
5 votes
0 answers

suggest to improve visibilty of the resources page

observation: Thanks to community effort, there is a page about resources learning Chemistry. Some moments ago it was possible to answer a question related to chemical nomenclature (link) with copy-...
-6 votes
2 answers

Anonymous one-click survey for downvotes [duplicate]

Recently, I have been receiving downvotes on some of my questions and answers without obtaining a clear understanding as to why these downvotes were made. I wanted to propose a short anonymous one-...
5 votes
3 answers

Is habitual down voting considered okay?

Today, I noticed two okay questions, which are quite reasonable student-level questions, and they are downvoted. I understand that there is at least one habitual downvoter who consistently downvotes ...
9 votes
1 answer

First time askers modal

Stipulations The first time askers modal has two required parts: A sentence about searching for existing answers on the site, and a list of specific actions. These have to stay in place. However, we ...
-8 votes
2 answers

Feature request on asking a user for the reason on downvoting a question

Wouldn't it be legit for an OP to know why his posts are getting downvoted, Wouldn't it be great if the user submits a reason when downvoting, This would both the user to improve and for the mod to ...
-6 votes
1 answer

How to access questions of an account deleted by a moderator?

As I tried to evade a question ban by opening another account, my account was deleted. Nevertheless, the answers/comments I received on my posts were of vital importance (to me at least). I write the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Discussion on research paper

Reading research papers is challenging for an underdog like me because I often do not possess enough knowledge to fully understand the papers in one research paper on most occasions. Yet, I have to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Feature request, self-flagging own comments

I would like to suggest an extension of the already functionality «flagging comments» to draw the attention of moderators. At present, it is possible to mark comments by other authors. Based on a ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Feature request for a new tag for confusing high school textbook paragraphs

More often than not, there are a lot of questions especially on the chemistry exchange telling "my textbook says so and so, but this makes no sense" like this one in particular . And for ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does the discussion about new table support in main meta apply to chem SE?

A new table format supported by markdown is discussed in meta, as you might have become aware from links to this page Inserting a table appears to be as simple as inserting e.g. the following: ...
7 votes
0 answers

Homework question closing note improvement

I think the closing note for closed homework questions should explicitly contain a short notice about not being limited to literal homework, perhaps mentioning other cases. Assuming the system allows ...
1 vote
1 answer

Lack of intimation of possible software

This was a question and answer that was posted on Chem SE today. The answer was concise. However the lack of formatting hurts. The main issue stems from the fact that new users aren't intimated to the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is the chat room bot alive?

In the Main Chatroom Guidelines page it mentions a "ChemBot" which allows users to give various commands in chat. Is it still working? If not, can it be fixed?
13 votes
6 answers

Can we make a "big list" community question for structure drawing software?

I would like to know the possible alternative available in chemistry software I've found very useful the big list like TeX or StackOverflow I would like have something similar to find the best ...
9 votes
1 answer

A link to common notation and symbols on the Tour page

Most new joiners do not know about the tools for mathematical and chemical formatting provided by Chemistry.SE. The Tour page details out the core concept of asking questions very well, but I feel ...
5 votes
1 answer

How can we flag question that belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network?

I don't understand how to flag the question so it can migrate in other S.E. sites. It seems that when I flag it and I choose "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network" can ...
15 votes
3 answers

Prevention of unnecessary edits of old posts.

The issue of unnecessary edits has been brought up many times here, both on meta and in chat. The "Hidden points of editing you probably didn't know" post puts it fairly succinctly: In any event,...
20 votes
2 answers

Can we please burninate the organic tag?

It was created recently and (fortunately) hasn't been used till now. It is pointless, unless somebody wants to advertise home-grown lettuce on Chemistry.SE! It is ugly and I do not want to use it ...
12 votes
5 answers

Finding a library to allow drawing chemical structures directly on the site

Drawing structural formulas is a very common task in chemistry. Simple chemical formulas are often not sufficient, they are ambiguous for pretty much any non-trivial molecule, and structural formulas ...
15 votes
3 answers

Why are there no migrations paths to Physics.SE, Math.SE, etc.?

When flagging for migration to another SE network, the only option I get is Why are other SE networks not shown here, like Physics.SE (many questions fit there better ...
9 votes
1 answer

Should the [homework] tag probably be removed from the suggestions when posting a new question?

I noticed that when asking a new question, a [homework] tag appears in the example list: as if the website promotes its usage. However, it's been deprecated for a long time, and it seems like it ...
4 votes
1 answer

altered page layout ChemSE

Either, that I was not logged in in ChemSE, or did not pay this much attention when I did, but just a few moments ago I noticed a change of ChemSE's layout. While writing this question to ChemMetaSE, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can a markup option be added to rotate an image?

A never ending stream of numb-numbs post images that end up sideways. Can the site be improved to add markup to rotate such images?
10 votes
3 answers

We need some upgreek, please!

Correct typesetting is what you would expect from an academic community. Chem.SE has always tried to be one, and we always value their standards; and our meticulous editors have always had an eye on ...
4 votes
3 answers

Do we want small caps?

after writing this answer What chemicals are present in burnt toast? i have encountered that there is no small caps available in MathJax. Wouldn't it be a good idea to provide small caps for citing s....
35 votes
3 answers

Change “for scientists, academics, teachers and students”

The short description of Chemistry Stack Exchange reads Q&A for scientists, academics, teachers and students This is certainly not wrong and describes quite well that we are open for a broad ...
6 votes
1 answer

Add homework policy link in the "How to Ask" dialog

I help review questions on Chem.SE regularly, and this type of question comes up regularly. Some downvoted homework question by a new person to the Chem.SE network, usually because they weren't aware ...
-5 votes
1 answer

Flag for homework answers/comments

As per the homework policy: As a community member, what should I know? Watch out for answers that provide a full solution. Downvote, comment, flag. Watch out for long comment discussions....
2 votes
1 answer

Proposal for a bot to welcome new users

Introduction I don't have a better word than a bot. New users often get intimidated after their question goes on hold , they never come back. Personally speaking the second question I asked was 4 ...
1 vote
2 answers

Tag Request - Salts

I recently posted a question regarding salt hydrolysis, and was surprised that a 'salt' tag was not available, despite it being a prominent topic in chemistry. Is there a reason as to why this isn't ...
7 votes
2 answers

Enable 'hide preview' on answers by default

As has been noted previously, typing MathJax in answers can significantly cause the page to lag. On my Mac this lag is quite severe, even with only minimal MathJax introduced, making it really ...
17 votes
3 answers

Enable syntax highlighting for code

Editorial comment As of 7th August 2017 there is quite strong support for the proposal. The developers have been asked via e-mail to take a closer look. Here is a block of Python, indented by 4 ...
12 votes
0 answers

Shouldn't the OP be notified if his/her question is put on hold or closed or edited?

I recently asked a question which was put on hold. I was not notified of it being put on hold. I was always notified if my question had any answer or comment. If I had received the notification, I had ...
10 votes
2 answers

Usage of literature references and external sources

I see many question with "my book says that ..." expression, and no reference is provided, which makes it harder to pinpoint the problem. Probably an idea of proper quotation and citing should be ...
10 votes
1 answer

Best way to post and visualize crystallographic data

I think this would help a lot to save time needed to produce images, reduce internet traffic and make understanding of the structures easier, if only there would be a better way rather than putting a ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Newcomers are more valuable than you think, please welcome them

This isn't a new issue as far as I have noticed from seeing the older posts regarding this: Shouldn't we be a bit more welcoming to new askers/ posters? We should have a Welcome post to link to ...
6 votes
1 answer

Nomenclature tag synonyms: naming, name, or names

Often newcomers ask a question dealing with naming of chemical compounds. But they might not know, that naming is technically called nomenclature. Therefore I think it would be helpful to add naming ...
12 votes
0 answers

Can we change the contrast of questions which have at least one of our favourite tags?

My question is just simple and that is only common sense for me, we can choose favourite tags and I think the goal is to rise the questions we can answer, at least, and the questions which can ...
8 votes
2 answers

Can we have a font that harmonizes with inline MathJAX?

Inline formulas on chemistry SE are clunky-looking and distracting, because the thin sans-serif font used here is so different from the heavy serif font used in MathJAX expressions. Over at math....
4 votes
1 answer

Quote box coloring, should it stand out more?

When I'm reading a post with quoted material, the quote doesn't seem to stand out to me, maybe it's something about it being yellow, but I cannot see it. Quoth the raven Nevermore The blue here ...
5 votes
1 answer

Pin chat to the sidebar on main site?

Can we pin the link to the chatroom to the sidebar on the main site? It does not always appear. This was asked by another user in chat and discussed (I can't find it now, of course) and I thought it ...
7 votes
0 answers

Enable automatic line-breaking for SVG output

The MathJax configuration for the HTML–CSS output processor includes the option linebreaks: { automatic:true }. When using this output processor (right-click on any ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can we have oneboxed links for scientific papers in chat?

Certain weblinks when posted in chat will onebox, i.e. they will be displayed as a box containing part of the content of the site linked. This is especially cool for SE questions and answers but also ...
-8 votes
2 answers

Can we allow comments on the question change the status of a question to active?

I think it may be useful to allow the addition of a comment to bump a question.
-10 votes
2 answers

Reasoning or commenting before downvoting

Would it be better if we make necessary for a member to comment/reason along with downvoting?