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Questions tagged [question-titles]

For questions about the wording of titles for questions on the main site.

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10 votes
0 answers

Someone saw a buzzword in a question title and you won't believe what happened next …

Meaningful titles are one of the pillars of a good question and answer site. In a concise fashion they introduce or even summarise what will be asked about. I personally think that these question ...
2 votes
1 answer

Capitalization of titles starting with chemical name with noncapitalizable prefix

There is no question about if the first letter of the question title should be capitalized. However, there are situations, when the capitalization of the very first first character is not possible, ...
18 votes
1 answer

Houston, we have a "Problem" in question titles

So we are all familiar with the drill, given through the following: I question the use of "question" in question titles Help make help questions have more helpful titles There are ...
17 votes
3 answers

I have a doubt about "doubt" in doubt titles

From the depth of the stack exchange network I bring to you the newest season (7) of our community effort against buzzwords in question titles. The word of the season this time is doubt. In Indian ...
7 votes
1 answer

(Title LaTeX test) Why does NMR Ix+iIy ($\hat{I}_x+i\hat{I}_y$)

I wanted to test some $\LaTeX$ in the title for myself, and I didn't know any other way to do so. Why does the transverse magnetization in Fourier Transform NMR consist of Ix+iIy ($\hat{I}_x+i\hat{I}...
5 votes
3 answers

Should Titles Be Capitalized?

Generally, in English titles should have the first letter of their words capitalized (with the exception of connectives), is this something that still applies on the Chemistry SE (or on any SE as a ...
14 votes
0 answers

Are you confused by confusing question titles including the word "Confusion"?

You have guessed it: Buzzwords! Long story short - as you can look up the tradition of these posts below - please add Confusion and its derivatives to the list of words that need to be fought as they ...
11 votes
0 answers

I am asking about chemistry, you know, that's why I put it in the title

Previously on 'Never mind the Buzzwords': I question the use of "question" in question titles (search here) Help make help questions have more helpful titles (search here) Houston, we have ...
16 votes
0 answers

Buzzwords in question titles - season 4 & 5 - experiments and exercises

I was looking for a pun in the question title, but was unable to find one. So instead let us remember the previous seasons: I question the use of "question" in question titles (search here) ...
8 votes
2 answers

Help make help questions have more helpful titles

In the vein of this meta post, here are some 21 questions with the word "help" in the title. Some of these asking for help with specific ...
16 votes
0 answers

I question the use of "question" in question titles

The search: brings up some 63 odd questions. Some of them are closed, some are actually pertaining to specific questions on particular ...
13 votes
2 answers

Is MathJax in titles a problem? And why?

I think the title is self explanatory. I certainly think it looks nicer. I thought it still worked for searches too, as long as it's something $\ce{H2SO4}$ or $\ce{K}_i$ - certainly does on my browser....
2 votes
0 answers

LaTeX in titles [duplicate]

Recently I edited a question adding LaTeX formatting for chemical formulas. I edited the both the text and the title, and this edit were accepted by peer-review. After some time, I noticed that ...
8 votes
2 answers

Improper question titles/questions

It might be nitpicking but there are question titles that are imo wrongly asked. The question itself might be better, but those titles are simply wrong. Here are some examples ... "Theoretically"-...