Just making a quick test with $\LaTeX$ in title, I'll delete this soon! ---------- Why does the transverse magnetization in Fourier Transform NMR consist of Ix+iIy ($\hat{I}_x+i\hat{I}_y$) -> `http://meta.chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/2774/why-does-the-transverse-magnetization-in-fourier-transform-nmr-consist-of-ixiiy` Why does the transverse magnetization NMR consist of Ix+iIy ($\hat{I}_x+i\hat{I}_y$) -> `http://meta.chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/2774/why-does-the-transverse-magnetization-nmr-consist-of-ixiiy-hati-xi-hati` ---------- Can someone explain to me why we can't just add Latex in titles *as well as* plain text?