7 votes

Don't I have the authority to reject any suggested edit?

You're unable to force the system to allow you to stop people editing your posts, this is a feature of the StackExchange model, that anyone in the community is free to improve upon posts (once they ...
NotEvans.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Reviewers changing the original question

The main addition to the question was yours, and this could reasonably be said to have changed the question. If you had additional specifications (e.g. wanting to see crystal field theory calculations)...
orthocresol's user avatar
  • 71.1k
4 votes

Don't I have the authority to reject any suggested edit?

Your question is approaching the ‘issue’ from the wrong angle and is probably based on a misunderstanding. The model of Stack Exchange is indeed that anyone can suggest an edit. When an edit is ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

Need help with an edit

Unfortunately, there was nothing you could do. Once an edit is pending review, it is stuck there. (And if a reviewer misclicks — I’ve had that; I wanted to click Reject & edit and hit Reject ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

What is 'User cannot suggest edits to this question'?

As pointed out in the post Loong linked to, the likely reason why you cannot suggest an edit is because there is already a pending suggested edit. The suggested edit has to be approved/rejected before ...
orthocresol's user avatar
  • 71.1k

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