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11 votes

Do we need a separate [proofreading] tag?

It's quite a meta tag... I'm not sure whether this is a great idea. The biggest trouble I have is that quite a few of these questions would probably be off-topic. For example, the check-my-work / ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
9 votes

Perhaps let's eliminate [classification]?

Based on uniformly positive early feedback, I went ahead and retagged all of the relevant questions, editing further where warranted.
hBy2Py's user avatar
  • 17.4k
7 votes

Tagging questions on diffraction of things other than X-rays?

Indeed, I also cannot come up with a better tagging than you've already proposed, and it seems there is no way to uniquely denote diffraction methods other than via the x-ray-based ones. As I see it, ...
andselisk's user avatar
  • 38.4k
6 votes

What can or should we do with [pharmacology], [toxicology], [medicinal-chemistry]?

Medicinal chemistry definitely needs to be kept separate from the other two, which are slightly more related to biology. A lot of med chem is about the route towards designing a drug, which can ...
orthocresol's user avatar
  • 71.7k
6 votes

Do we need separate tags for stereochemistry and chirality?

I am somewhat a bit torn apart about this proposal. That is mainly because none of the tag usage guidelines is particularly good and can't be easily understood by new users. I think stereochemistry is ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
5 votes

What's the difference between the 'Sustainability' tag and 'Green Chemistry' tag?

I'd say the difference, if there is one, is that green-chemistry would be for doing chemistry in a sustainable, eco-friendly manner, but sustainability is for using chemistry to achieve a sustainable, ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Nomenclature tag synonyms: naming, name, or names

The post you have linked to is already almost four years old, and it was written in the early stages of our site, where the tags have been very fluid. The moderators at the time decided that merging ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
5 votes

Do we need a separate [proofreading] tag?

I think this, if anything, should be embodied as a newly created, dedicated chatroom, instead of as a new tag. I have seen the horror that is the meta-tag, and I recoil aghast at the prospect of ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
  • 17.4k
4 votes

What's the difference between the 'Sustainability' tag and 'Green Chemistry' tag?

I have performed the merge. All questions that were tagged with sustainability belong now to green-chemistry, while keeping the former as a synonym. I have extended the tag wiki excerpt a little and ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
4 votes

Do we need separate tags for stereochemistry and chirality?

I have tried to write a short tag wiki for both stereochemistry and chirality. Since moderator edits do not go through a review queue, please do take a look to make sure I haven't messed things up ...
orthocresol's user avatar
  • 71.7k
4 votes

More redundant tags - biochemistry and chemical-biology

I think this issue should be revisited. While I can see there being a reasonable distinction between the two, the use of the chemical-biology tag hasn't really fit its short tag description and it ...
Tyberius's user avatar
  • 11.8k
4 votes

Do we need separate tags for stereochemistry and chirality?

In principle, one could keep chirality and even introduce more specific tags. Questions on the stereochemistry of biaryl compounds, such as Chirality of biphenyls could receive an atropisomerism or ...
Klaus-Dieter Warzecha's user avatar
3 votes

Do we need separate tags for stereochemistry and chirality?

Stereochemistry is about the 3D structure of molecules. This is clearly a much bigger subject than chirality. I'd ague that the tags should be separate. With chirality as a specific subset.
matt_black's user avatar
  • 37.2k
2 votes

Tagging questions on diffraction of things other than X-rays?

I know we have many spectroscopy tags but many of them use fundamentally different phenomenon not just a different wave/particle. Thus, I think neutron-diffraction is unlikely to have many tags, ...
A.K.'s user avatar
  • 12.7k
1 vote

Do we need [polymers] and [plastics] tags?

I have tried that a while ago and even after reworking it, it got no momentum. And there still is materials which also may include plastics and polymers. I'm quoting thomij from that post: However, ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
1 vote

Do we need [polymers] and [plastics] tags?

I completely agree with the suggestion. "Plastic" is a popular synonym for polymer but actually describes a specific behavior. One good thing is that the word "plastic" is typically associated with ...
Buck Thorn's user avatar
  • 22.7k
1 vote

What can or should we do with [pharmacology], [toxicology], [medicinal-chemistry]?

I will draw on my education experience (Germany): for chemists, a course in toxicology was (legally) required, which was taught by the Pharmacology section of the combined Chemistry & Pharmacology ...
TAR86's user avatar
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