Aren't synthesis golf questions too broad, and therefore off-topic?
Necessarily, synthesis golf challenges will be somewhat 'broad', as there are many possible answers rather than a single one. That is, however, the entire point of synthesis golf - it requires more than one person to give a definition/ copy some values.
Based on this, hopefully, no, the questions aren't too broad. At the time of writing this, only one challenge has been posted, which was well received generally, though some concerns were raised about how 'broad' the question was.
Future challenges will narrow the scope of what is being asked, focusing on small parts of molecules with interesting moieties, rather than asking for synthetic routes to entire molecules. This should address fears about the overly broad nature of synthesis golf.*
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* I would add that synthesis-golf is an attempt to do something different to engage people on Chemistry.SE and generally raise the bar of the level of questions being asked. Even if the challenges are pushing the limits of whats allowed here (and I do think they are within the limits of whats allowed), there is an argument to say that if they're succeeding in getting people involved, and if they are having the desired effect, then the boundaries can be pushed. Basically, please don't flag as off-topic, if you have specific issues we can talk about them in chat or here on meta.