The asker is the original poser of the question. The compound is the desired result of the synthesis on which the question hangs. The synthesis is the synthesis of the compound.
- There must be at least one synthesis route proposed by the asker.
- There must be at least one constraint on starting materials.
- The compound must have some significance in biology, industry, other areas of research or homework (in the case of it being part of homework the asker must add the appropriate tag 'homework'). [That is, no random compounds conceived, along with their corresponding questions, for no reason aside from passing time]
- The synthesis of the compound in question cannot be easily found by simply typing the compound name and synthesis into the Google search engine.
The compound's synthesis must be simple unless constraint 6 is satisfied.
Simple is defined in this setting as:
- In the simplest, incontrovertible theory available it cannot require more than 15 chemical steps (i.e. steps in of which a chemical reaction occurred) for its synthesis from the starter compound(s).
The asker must have attempted the synthesis and detailed this attempt in the question or have an authentic document that records an attempted synthesis of the compound unless constraint 5 is satisfied.