I came across a post on the main site just now that I think could use some changes. I found the editing help page in the Help Center, but its write-up is pretty cursory and high-level.
What makes for a good edit on Chem.SE?
I came across a post on the main site just now that I think could use some changes. I found the editing help page in the Help Center, but its write-up is pretty cursory and high-level.
What makes for a good edit on Chem.SE?
On Stack Exchange, we generally like having substantial edits being made. Somebody who edits a post to correct one or two typos is helpful, but somebody who also takes the time to improve the title and retag the question is even more helpful.
Therefore, here are some basic guidelines for editing:
, units with \pu{...}
, mathematics with MathJax, etc. However, don't go crazy on this: excessive MathJax slows down loading times. If the only chemicals in the post are NaCl, Na, and Cl, then there's no real need to. See this post and the answers therein for more information.Tags
Additional information on the community's consensus/philosophy regarding edits can be found at the following posts:
Editing/presentation of chemical structures (to chemdraw or not to chemdraw)
Can we edit out unnecessary “statements of weakness” or buzzwords inside the questions' bodies?
'Never mind the Buzzwords' (in question titles): question, help, problem, experiment, exercise, chemical*, to be continued
Should we pay attention to possible bugs of MathJax in the apps?
Standard LaTeX notation of SN, multiple acid dissociation constants, and electronic effects
What is the standard way to denote physical states in a chemical reaction?
Please note that editing old posts also bumps them to the front page. Thus, while we welcome all edits - trivial or substantial - that improve the quality or content of the post, kindly keep in mind that editing several old questions in a short span of time and bumping them to the home page is likely to distract users and is generally frowned upon. This implies that users, especially +2k rep, should try not to edit too many posts in quick succession, unless there is a official event like Spring Cleaning going on.
notation for community wiki post links as they stay with the instances they are used and don't 'travel' to the bottom of the source.