TRE will be held at $\ldots$? Famous final words
The Retagging Event (TRE)
What good is in working so much on cleaning tags if they're not applied to questions? I thought, we should do something extraordinary. Oh no
Editing questions bumps them up; and somehow surprisingly, there's a good portion of chem.SE users who only use the 'active' tab. Thus, bumping too many questions would stop newer questions from getting the needed attention. Thus, the frequency of retagging must be small.
But people just can't keep up with editing 1 question every ten minutes. They can't be consistent, and they're not to blame. Hence, if the only way we can keep editors helping is by flushing down the 'active' tab, let's do it in an organized way, in a small frequency.
What we do at TRE
Simply put, in an effort to coordinate chat and meta activity more, we now will have a chat event, preferably at 15:30 UTC which lasts for 90 minutes and happens every Friday in which we hunt and then retag a bunch of questions. (Friday is my holiday and the last weekday where you live, so it would be optimal)
What we do at episode 1
We'll hunt and retag questions with only one tag. One possibly broad tag. They are candidate number one for a poorly tagged question, and our werewolf hunter gun will be this query.
What are tags good for anyway?
This question has been brought up and asked many many times, and the usefulness of tags has been proven. Trust me. If you don't trust me, I can prove their use to you, but not here, in chat or somewhere else. Please.
What else?
I'll try to make sure it's fun enough to keep y'all interested, and you can bring some snacks. (Though we're not responsible for damages done to keyboards) Please let me know what you think in the answers:
- How can we improve user experience in this event?
- What time do you suggest the event to be?